Craig Shoemaker



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Recently, had a couple of weeks off. Well, by “off” I mean no travel standup comedy dates, but suffice to say there is never a true day of nothing for a husband and father of four. Still can’t comprehend “FOUR” I feel like one of those Catholic station-wagon Dads I used to make fun of. Starting to look like one too. Karma, bitch!

I have had a couple off nights lately, which I have spent with my kids. Caught a few Phillies games and spent a night at Dancing with the Stars, where the kids got close-ups and daddy was barely an extra in the crowd. Justin says, “Dad, you’ve been on TV like hundreds of times. It’s OUR turn!”

Our new website is up and running. I may be retiring from Stand-Up on Dec 31, but it seems my path to sitting down comedy will be even more hectic, just without the TSA frisking.

The Craig Shoemaker Show Podcast has been revamped and designed to give more of what we intended from the beginning – to offer a load of (FREE) laughs, as well as inspiring new thought/new wisdom on how to better manage our lives. Amazing guests in recent weeks on the show. Today we have good timing of booking Jeanie Buss, the owner of the LA Lakers, a day after the Donald Sterling debacle.

I have brought on a new executive producer Searra Silverberg to help me with this process. With a background of working in Personal Development and Life Coaching, she is going to bring some insight to our comedic world. She is always looking for new ideas and sponsors for the show (it’s great advertising) so feel free to contact her for more information Don’t forget to tune in every Wednesday from 12-2pm PST at and check us our on iTunes.  

As many of you know, I am headed down the road of personal, relational, and comedic health. I guess I have to grow up sometime! This will help me keep growing into my “Laugh Out Love” phase.  

We are in the final stages of my new book “Love Master’d,” a story of a difficult journey through loss, grief and bewildering obstacles, ultimately leading to an abundance of divine love and sustained happiness. It looks like a worldwide release in June.

After the original idea being formed around 2004, at long last it looks like the Laughter Heals documentary is about to be made! It was just a matter of, as they say in the comedy biz, “timing.” The mastermind group has been assembled. The team is in place to deliver a movie we know will make a difference. Please let us know ASAP if you want to pitch in.  
 ***For my LA friends***I have a last sec gig at Jon Lovitz this Sunday. Email me and I will hook you up w/ discount.
For more information, pictures, updates and stuff to make you laugh, make sure you follow me on Twitter and Facebook. I am always updating and taking tons of photos!
Upcoming Shows:
May 1-3 Rancho Cordova – Tommy Ts
May 4  Jon Lovitz Club – Universal City
May 15-18 Improv - West Palm Beach
May 23-24 Comedy Magic Club – Hermosa Beach
May 30- June 1 LOL San Antonio
June 6-8 Improv Pittsburgh
June 12-14 Improv Irvine
June 20-21 Stardome, Hoover AL
June 26 – 29 Improv Ontario


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